Are you all ready? The Missoula Marathon and Half Marathon are a week and half away, and our pulses are already pounding with anticipation! We feel all the feels. The nerves, the excitement, the proud sense of achievement, but most of all the anticipation to hear the gun go off and start the journey to the finish line. Trisha Drobeck passed along some thoughts this week to some local runners. Here is that last minute piece of advice from this multi-course record holder.
“I was recently running with the Missoula Marathon and Half Marathon training class members during their Sunday long run and the topic came up of how to best run the Missoula Marathon course. My answer could be a long essay if I really sunk in my teeth, but I think the best tip I can offer is welcoming Seventh Street.

I think we’ve all heard the term “˜embrace the suck,’ and I encourage you to do just that. Seventh Street: it’s a 1.3-mile, straight east stretch”¦ directly into the rising sun. Mile 18 of the Marathon and mile 5 of the Half. Right when your legs are screaming to stop, but you’re doing your best to convince them to keep moving. It’s the right time to start repeating those mantras or pour on some serious positive self-talk. Unlike our visiting participants, you have the power of anticipation and practice. If you know the long, hot mile+ is approaching, you can take it on and maybe squeeze out a little fresh resilience with a smile on your face.
Although I won’t be on course this year pounding the pavement, my heart will be with all of you. I’ll be thinking of you on Seventh Street (and all the iconic places on our course.) Own that stretch, let that confidence carry you to last 10K of the marathon. And we’ll celebrate you under the arch on Beartracks Bridge!”
About the Author: Trisha Drobeck is the Race Director of the Missoula Marathon and Executive Director of Run Wild Missoula