Run Wild Missoula

Tuesday Track

Year-Round, Locations + Times Vary



Tuesday Track is a great way to get your speed workout in (no matter your speed!) each week and take advantage of workouts led by Coach Courtney Babcock, former Canadian Record Holder and Olympian. Workouts change location and focus depending on the time of year. Read on below for an explanation of different locations and specific dates, or click here for a write up on Tuesday Track.




Cost: Free to Run Wild Missoula members.

→ March 11, 2025 – September 16, 2025 at 6:00 PM:

Tuesday Track will meet at Dornblaser Track with Coach Courtney Babcock for the greatest speed workout in town! Show up a bit earlier than 6 to get a few warm-up laps in, then join the group for the workout, split into groups of those who are new to the track and those who have been before!

→ September 23, 2025 – October 28, 2025 at 6:00 PM:

Tuesday Track will be meeting near the parking lot behind the SE corner of Dornblaser Stadium, and will be focusing more on cross country running in preparation for the upcoming Montana Cup!

→ November 4, 2025 – Spring of 2026 at 5:30 PM:

Tuesday Track will meet in the basement of Runner’s Edge at 5:30 PM. Courtney will go over the workout with the group and runners will head out onto the Milwaukee Trail or other good footing location.


Questions? Email Coach Courtney Babcock.


Please review RWM’s Rules of the Run Policy here

"The main reason I like [being a member of RWM] is being surrounded by so many positive, healthy and energetic people. Plus I enjoy being part of this amazing community of people that do so many positive things in and around Missoula!"

- Maggie W.