This month’s Member Spotlight features the Winners from the Run Wild Missoula Annual Member Meeting. The winners were nominated by their fellow club members! We are excited to recognize nine spectacular members for their athletic achievements and their dedication to Run Wild Missoula.
Male Runner of the Year: Tim Mosbacher

Tim is an incredible athlete in every sense of the word. He is on a multi-pronged mission:
- Run a marathon in all 50 states
- Complete them all in under 4-hours,
- Complete them all in Boston Marathon qualifying time, and
- & Maybe even try to do them all in sub-3 hours.
If everything goes to plan, he’ll accomplish his first goal this January in Maui. On top of it all, he’s getting faster as he gets older- Tim ran a new PR of 2:48 (to win the Topeka Eisenhower Marathon) this year at 53-years old.
In addition to his racing, Tim is a regular participant in Tuesday Track , is a group leader for our Saturday morning runs, and is the elite athlete coordinator for the Missoula Marathon.
“Tim’s push to complete his 50 marathons in 50 states is admirable. He has consistently run well, very well, all the while promoting RWM.”
Female Runner of the Year: Erin Forde

If you’re a customer of Runner’s Edge, then you’ve experienced Erin’s positive demeanor first hand. But behind that pleasant personality is the heart of a competitor. Going sub-3 hours for the first time (and getting a Boston Qualifier as well) at the Jack & Jill Marathon. Besides working at the store, Erin has recently gone back to school and is an assistant cross country & track coach at Hellgate High School.
“Erin Forde – won the Run Like A Mother 5K by the Runners Edge. Places high in local races. Had a Boston Qualifier in her last marathon”
BOPer/Walker of the Year: Myrtle Miller

Myrtle proves that this a sport for life. She values and exemplifies a fit, active and healthy lifestyle. Walking, hiking, & more at 86 – if only we can all be so lucky to be so healthy. Myrtle has been a regular in walking the Missoula Half Marathon since 2011, setting an example for all the people in the Run Wild Missoula Walking Class.
“I would like to nominate Myrtle Miller. She is such an inspiration to all of us walkers. She is a perfect example of how to stay fit and healthy into and mostly likely beyond her eighties. She inspires members of her family who often join her in doing the Missoula Marathon. In addition to her commitment to the Walking Class and completing the Missoula Half Marathon each year, she does the daily stretches her physical therapist son recommends, eats healthy home grown foods, and has been a stalwart member of the Tuesday Hikers for many, many years. When I joined the walking class in 2011 as a breast cancer survivor, she encouraged me in my efforts to complete my first walking marathon.”
Volunteer of the Year: Amy Moore, John Pilsworth, and Tommi Burton

Amy: Not only does Amy Moore volunteer for Run Wild Missoula, you’ll also find her helping at Runner’s Edge events and with the Mountain West Youth Track Club. Whether she’s helping with packet pick up, managing the recycling at the Missoula Marathon Expo or anything in between, Amy can be counted on to lend a hand at all of our events.
“From volunteering with Amy at the Little Dipper Run series, noticing her volunteer participation during Missoula Marathon Weekend & Mountain West on social media, to hearing her encouragement during RWM events, it is hard to believe that any one person can put in as many volunteer hours as Amy does. She gives her time and treats everyone with kindness. She is definitely the one RWM member that comes to mind who is always helping out at races and club events over and over (and over). Thanks, Amy!”

John: John tirelessly gives his time. With his wife Linda out walking, John helps us behind the scenes to be sure that our events go off smoothly. John’s positive personality is contagious.
“When I think of a volunteer that has been at almost every RWM event I think of John Pilsworth. In the 13 years I have coordinated volunteers for the Missoula Marathon, John has always been there to lend a hand. Additionally, John is so supportive of runners efforts. He makes every single participant feel welcome and appreciated. I appreciate Johns time, energy, enthusiasm and willingness to always help and I would love to see him be recognized for his years of contributing his time to RWM.”
Special Recognition: Tommi Burton

Tommi was the Run Wild Missoula equipment manager for over 12 years and did an incredible job of keeping all of our supplies in order. She left that post at the conclusion of the Missoula Marathon; and, we were able to recognize her at that time. But, we’d be remiss if we didn’t recognize the great work that she did on behalf of Run Wild Missoula.
“Tommi Burton deserves this award for her many years of service to RWM as the equipment manager and volunteer at countless events.”
Inspirational Runner of the Year: Russell Lafontaine and Satoru Mori

Russell: If only we could all give back as much we receive. It’s a tough task; but, Russell embodies that spirit. Running races, taking part in training classes and volunteering at races left and right. Don’t forget about all the volunteer work he does for Grizzly Athletics. Encouragement and support are always coming from Russell; and, his sheer joy that he gets from running is contagious.
“I first met Russell 4 years ago in a RW trail running class. He made every weekly run, was friendly to everyone, and very obviously loved running–I don’t know many people who log more miles than this guy. Russell is such a happy runner: In races and runs, especially when he’s feeling good, it’s not uncommon to hear random yips and whoops and snippets of Led Zeppelin songs. He always keeps us entertained with endless war stories of runs and races gone by. Even when he’s feeling awful or has had a bad race, Russell is unerringly positive and lifting up others. He has a grit and a tenacity that I’ve encountered in very few other runners, coupled with a boundless generosity that sees him volunteering at almost every single running event that Missoula offers or that he attends (even when he’s racing himself!). Russell is, without a doubt, one of the most inspirational runners that I’ve had the good fortune to meet and be friends with. He 100% deserves this award!”
Satoru: Saturo, also known as Turo, came to the Missoula Marathon Training Class in 2017. His excitement & joy of running was contagious. He was so appreciative of the ability to be able to learn about running; and, it was great to watch him improve from week to week. In spite of an injury late in the class this year, he never let it get him down. Rather, he looked for what new opportunities the injury presented for him.
“Satoru shows up faithfully and cheerfully to volunteer. He helped to sweep for all but one of my beginner trail runner classes last spring. Leave no one behind seemed to be his motto. Although he himself was training for a marathon, he encouraged all runners humbly and gently. He never made anyone feel that they were too slow for the group. His ready smile welcomed runners of all abilities and assured them that they were runners.”
Race Director of the Year: Tom Halverson, Roots Run

With last year being his first time as a race director, Tom took all the lessons he learned in 2018 and brought them to the forefront in 2019. With seamless volunteer assignments, packet pick up and race logistics, Tom made the Roots Run one of the smoothest running races that we had in 2019. In addition to being a Race Director, Tom is a RWM Board Member & a Missoula Marathon Legacy Runner- what doesn’t he do!