Meet Betty Davis, a fairly new runner to the Run Wild Missoula community, and someone who’s committed to staying healthy. It all began with a photo from the 2013 Missoula 5K race that motivated her to get active. Since then, she’s completed numerous 5K’s, 10K’s, a half marathon, and up next, the Boston Marathon in 2017.
Photo Brings Inspiration.
There’s nothing like a photo to provide the motivation to make a change. Twenty five pounds

heavier and two dress sizes larger than today, Betty was cheering her daughter to a successful finish at the Missoula 5K in 2013. Holding her grandson and celebrating her daughter’s finish, her husband snapped a photo of them and that was the impetus for her to start moving.
Living in the hills of Missoula, Betty started slowly by walking the neighborhood. Her husband bought her a FitBit that helped track her steps, and the entire family encouraged her efforts. The following year, she completed the Missoula 5K with her daughter. She began participating in various 5Ks and 10Ks around town, trail races such as the Snowbowl 15K, and even finished a 22K race last May (Veterans Day Race). Getting sidelined by a knee injury certainly didn’t stop her. She sought medical advice and faithfully completed the physical therapy exercises as she found her way back to the roads. Last July, she and her daughter stepped up their miles and completed the Missoula Half Marathon.
Boston Marathon.
Access isn’t easy. As a runner, you must either run a qualifying time for entrance (comprises 80% of the field), or be invited which makes up the balance of entrants, many of whom run for local charities. Betty will be running in her son Adam’s place, who was invited to participate as a survivor of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. “He asked, “˜What about running a real marathon, Mom?’ and I said yes.”
The event is shaping up to be a family affair. Adam’s friend is creating a training schedule for Betty, and she’s committed to the requisite miles. Additionally, her husband Carle, son Adam and daughter Erin (including Betty’s grandchildren) will be driving to Boston to cheer Betty across the finish line.
A body at rest, tends to stay at rest. A body in motion, tends to stay in motion.
While many of us know this saying from the t.v. commercial for Celebrex (arthritis medicine), it was Newton’s first law of motion describing inertia, and it’s a quote that’s ingrained in Betty’s mind. “You just have to keep the momentum going,” says Betty, and that’s what she’s doing. She just completed Run Wild Missoula’s Beginning Running 101 class, and began the 102 class. This fall, she’s already run Diva Day and the Pumpkin Run, and will participate in the Mount Jumbo Elk Ramble 15K before rounding out the year with a family race on Thanksgiving Day with her daughter (Turkey Trot 8K).
Betty also enjoys downhill skiing with her family as part of her cross training, and biking in the summer. Additionally, she’s working through the Ironman Strength Training video and of course, consistently doing her physical therapy exercises.
About Betty

Betty and her husband, Carle, are from Central California where they met in the 9th-grade and remained sweethearts through high school. Carle enlisted in the Air Force during his senior year, but didn’t report for duty until after Betty’s birthday that summer. They married the following spring. Early in their marriage, they travelled throughout the United States and abroad, but Montana called the strongest and they settled here in 1997 when Carle retired from the Air Force. Betty currently works for the University of Montana Business Services department as a Cashier and together, she and Carle have three adult children (Adam, Erin and Jason), and three grandchildren (Brianna, Preston, and Tory).
Following are a few fun running facts about Betty:
Average miles per week?
I try to use the South Park and Ride and walk to and from the University of Montana. That gives me two miles a day automatically. I can usually get a 1 ½ mile walk in on my lunch hour, too. On a good week, I can get a minimum of 15 miles a week by just walking. I love my Fitbit.
How often do you run (days/week)?
I just finished the Beginning Runner 101 Class, and am in the Beginning Runner 102. So, a minimum of 2 days a week.
Do you prefer roads or trails, or both?
Both!! I’ve done the Snowbowl 15K and the Bitterroot Runoff (5 miles). I also ran the Herron 5K in Kalispell with my daughter this year.
Favorite running shoe?
Saucony. The first time I came into Runner’s Edge for shoes, I bought the previous year’s shoe. Then when I was researching shoes in Runner’s World magazine, I realized it was what they recommend for me as well. Of course, I’m starting to realize that I may need to invest in a separate shoe for trail runs. I’m still learning.
Pre-race meal or routine?
I’m learning the importance of warm up exercise.
Favorite post-meal indulgence?
See food. (I see food, I eat it.)
Ever win your age category?
No, but winning isn’t everything.
Most memorable race to date?
This year’s River Root run. I got downtown and realized I had left my race number at home. I had to go back home and get it (and not speed). I was about two or three blocks behind everybody starting.
Greatest piece of advice you’ve been given for running, and/or life?
Have fun with it.
Anything else?
Run Wild Missoula is pretty fantastic! Everyone is always so encouraging, no matter what!!