Catherine Redfern is a Montana native chosen for her consistent dedication to running and RWM events. You’ll find Catherine hard charging at Tuesday track and out on the roads training for her next half or full.
Where are you from? What brought you to Missoula or kept you here?
I was born and raised in the beautiful Bitterroot Valley. After spending 8 years in Helena, I came back to Missoula several years ago to be closer to family.
When did you start running and why?
I started running in college off and on as a way to try and stay fit(ish) but got more serious in 2009.
Roads, Trails, or both?
Both. I run mostly roads when I’m training and trails when I need the mental break and to see some pretty scenery.
You’re a regular at Tuesday Track, what is your advice to someone who wants to try it out for the first time?
Don’t be intimidated or discouraged. Come back more than once! It’s going to be hard (always) but if you keep coming you’ll see your times improve not only on the track but in your regular running as well. I think nothing beats the satisfaction at the end of the workout knowing that I just finished a really hard thing
What is your go to tracking method for your runs? What data is most important to you?
I use a Google sheet calendar, that way all my information is accessible from most devices at any time I want. Mileage is usually the thing I focus the most on but it’s nice to look back at past training cycles and individual runs to see what worked and what didn’t work.
Are you currently training for anything?
I am! I am training for a marathon in Washington (state) in the middle of September. It’s all downhill (2,000 ft of elevation loss) and at the beginning you get to run through a 2 mile long tunne
Do you have a pre-race meal, and/or ritual?
I try to stick with something that I know won’t upset my tummy like pasta or a sandwich.
How about a post-race indulgence?
A big fat juicy cheese burger with fries
If you could pick one place anywhere in the world to run, where would it be and why?
This is so not a fair question! There are so many places I would love to go run if money was no object but since I HAVE to pick just one…I would say Ireland. My maternal grandmother is from Ireland and towards the later part of her life she was really into walking and I wish I would have been into running and walking before she passed so it could have been something we did together. Going to Ireland would be a nice way to pay a little tribute her.
Finish this sentence: When I’m not running, I’m”¦
Walking or hiking with my grey mini schnauzer RBI (pronounced Ribee)