Where are you from? What brought you to Missoula?
I’m a born and raised Missoulian. I’ve traveled a lot and I always feel fortunate to be able to make a living and enjoy a great life in this beautiful place.
When did you start running and why?
I started running in the mid-1980’s. I did take a class in 1982 that delved into how Native Americans would run until exhausted to seek visions, and that inspired some long jaunts (no visions). I started running mainly to keep in shape for skiing, my other obsession. I continue to be amazed at the unending variety of experiences that this seemingly simple sport can offer – from short sprints to endless treks through the wilderness.
You are on the RWM Board of Directors and are the Race Director for the River City Roots Run. How did you get involved in the club?
I was a member of the original Missoula Road and Track club and joined RWM from the start of the club. I’ve been volunteering and joining group runs over the years and have grown to love this club. Besides all the friends I’ve made, the club’s mission of encouraging running, walking and a fit lifestyle is one I am passionate about.
I have been volunteering for the Roots Run every year. This is my rookie year as race director and I’m looking forward to the challenge. My impression so far is that the success of a race depends on volunteers. I hope every person who volunteers knows that this club is such a super success only because of all those who show up to help.
Are you currently training for anything?
I’m training for the Salmon Marathon in September. I did it last year and had fun. It’s a race that runs downhill from a little one room schoolhouse on dirt roads through farm country.
Do you have a pre-race meal, and/or ritual?
I seek out spaghetti and meatballs wherever I go. I’m still working on my rituals. Since I can’t seem to sleep before races (I have run both the Turkey Trot and the Pumpkin Run on no sleep), so I am considering hiring a hypnotist.
How about a post-race indulgence?
I’m indulgent on a consistent basis, but a bit of beer drinking after a race always seems required. As the saying goes, “no cerveza, no trabajo.”
Finish this sentence: When I’m not running, I’m”¦
Working, hanging out with my girlfriend, Shelley, playing guitar and reading (about running).