Run Wild Missoula

Inclusive Running

Ongoing Efforts


Our mission and core values have long emphasized a welcoming and inclusive culture within the club and in our relationships with the community. Ongoing review of our policies and practices has encouraged us to reinforce our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in everything we do, internally and externally.


RWM intends not only to accept and support all current and prospective members of the running and walking community, we also want to make conscious efforts to reach out, invite, actively welcome, and ask for help identifying and implementing changes that could improve DEI within the Run Wild organization. We consider it important to make an extra effort toward DEI within the over-arching framework of our Mission and Core Values.


Below you’ll find a review of our work. We hope this not only serves as a record for accountability, but also an inspiration for other clubs to add to their own practices. 


Should you have any questions, please reach out to us

One of our core values is giving back to the community in meaningful ways. The majority of this is offering other non-profits to be our beneficiary at one of our club races or a direct donation. We often select traditionally marginalized communities or smaller groups to uplift their voices via our platform. 


In 2024, we raised and contributed more than $100,000 to local groups. 


These are groups we not only offer financial support to, but we actively partner in events, fundrasiers or other collaborations. 



  • Back of the Pack Cheerleaders
  • 7.5 hour course time limit


  • Complimentary Indigenous participant entries
  • Honor Song in lieu of National Anthem at Tony Banovich 5K
  • Full page explanation of the Beartracks Bridge history and dedication. 


  • Missoula Youth Homes MT


  • Carbon offset purchase opportunity at time of registration
  • Zero waste efforts in partnership with Home ReSource at Expo & post race celebrations


  • We have a long standing partnership with our friends at the Western MT Center. We are happy to have them host an aid station on course. 
  • Since 2022, Missoula Marathon has offered equal prizes to our Non Binary winners. We’ve increased from 7 participants that first year to more than 20 in 2024.



Run Wild Missoula acknowledges that we are in the homelands of the Salish and Kalispel people. Today, we offer our respect for their history and culture, for their ancient and continuing presence in this landscape, and for the path they have shown us in caring for this place for the generations to come.

  • We offer complimentary entries for Indigenous participants. 
  • We feature films about or produced by Native and First Peoples at our Mountain Running Film Festival. 
  • We raise money annually for All Nations Health Center. 
  • At the Tony Banovich 5k, in lieu of the National Anthem we commission local Indigenous Singers to sing an Honor Song.
  • We donate money to Rising Hearts, have featured their films at our Mountain Running Film Festival and follow their guidance.

Missoula has a strong and vibrant LGBTQIA+ Community. This is bolstered by both The Center and Missoula Pride. Run Wild Missoula is proud to be a community partner of these organization. 

Hearth Throb 5K:

A February fundraiser for The Center. 

Educational Events:

Inclusive Running Panel: The Interestion of Gender & Running in the Missoula Community


Trisha Drobeck (RWM ED) 2024 Ally of the Year (The Center Annual Meeting)

Queer Run:

Monthly Group Run/Walk (Second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm)

Missoula Pride Fun Run/Walk!:

Kick off Pride Weekend with this free fun movement followed by treats, music and socializing.

Since 2021, Run Wild Missoula has offered equal prizes to our Non Binary winners. 

Run Wild Missoula and the Missoula Marathon affirm the worth and dignity of each member and participant. We celebrate the varied voices and wide range of lived experiences in our running community. With this in mind, we have updated our binary language and expanded gender categories and awards to make all participants feel welcomed, safe, respected and included.


  • We welcome all as they self-identify.
  • No member or participant is required to provide documentation regarding their gender.
  • All gender expressions (distinct from gender identity) of individuals seeking membership or participation are welcome.


Virtual Events are a simple way our members and other participants can learn more about local nonprofits. By highlighting these groups through virtual events, we are uplifting communities while raising money for them. Virtual event overhead is low, so RWM as an organization has the ability to donate 100% of proceeds to the benficiary. 


  • February – Walk/Run 2.23 tp Honor Ahmaud Arbery
    • Benefits Empower MT Association of BIPOC Youth Program – a youth-led and conceptualized space to build community & connection, cultivate resilience & joy, & empower advocacy.)

  • September – Mntwi l Nłʔay Virtual Half Marathon
    • Benefits All Nations Health Center.  One of 41 Urban Indian Health Programs (UIHP) located throughout the United States, All Nations proudly offers a comprehensive suite of healthcare services from full medical services to behavioral health services.


Sometimes, we are instructed to enlist a cutoff due to permitting. This most often comes into play during our iconic trail races.

We are happy to offer two of our trail races in virtual form to allow folks the chance to participate in a highly flexible virtual option.  


Tony Banovich was a passionate coach and advocate for all abilities of running, nevertheless, he strongly believed that all high school levels created impact for students. He saw high school running as the launching pad to lifelong runners. It is in his honor and with his spirit in mind that Run Wild Missoula through the Tony Banovich Memorial Fund is offering high school XC scholarships for gear and races.

→ Since 2022 RWM has awarded more than $21,000 in local high school scholarships!